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garter girl style

September 25, 2009

i said from day one of this company that it was going to be about style. in my company and in my personal life, i’m all about taking the traditional and rocking it out with a little style. i always have been this way and i hope that i always will be.

i was so obsessed with style, or what i thought was style, a few years ago that i got a little out of control. more so than i had been previously, which was already pretty bad. i was shopping like mad. like crazy. just buying, buying, buying. i did it because i could and i did it because i was so focused on never wearing the same thing twice. never. i thought that buying new clothes would make me feel better and make me look better. turns out, i was wrong on both fronts.

flash forward to me leaving my job, and embracing my new life as a mom and small business owner. needless to say, it has been a lot of change for me mentally and physically over the past 2 years.

photo credit: sevan photography

photo credit: sevan photography

enter into my life…kelly. kelly is a talented personal stylist and an even better friend. she pretty much changed my life. i’m so over disposable fashion that it actually makes me sick to think about it. don’t get me wrong, i still shop at discount stores like h&m and forever 21 (i’m being honest, remember!?), but i do so with them same discerning eye that i would have if i was shopping at neiman marcus.

kelly has spent countless hours over the past year cleaning out my closet, helping to rid my closet of every mediocre thing in it. she taught me what looks good on my body, how to shop smartly, how to put my clothes together for a complete “look,” and how to always present myself as the smart, stylish business owner that i want to be. and, most importantly she taught me to absolutely love every single thing that i buy and to allow it to bring me the joy that the designer intended.

where is all this going?? (i have a point, i promise!) on fridays, i’m taking a break from the wedding garters, as fun as they are, to bring you posts about style. some will be from me, some from kelly and some from both of us together. you’ll get to see my very personal journey to self awareness and learn some awesome style tips from a seriously amazing individual.

i’m so honored and excited that kelly is going to do this for garter girl blog. it will be therapeutic and a lot of fun. not to mention awesome for you, my readers, because stylists charge money for all of this advice!

photo credit: sevan photography

photo credit: sevan photography

making this different from other style blogs, and there are many, these posts will be about what style means to me and my company as both grow and change. it will be full of info for women, small business owners and bloggers on how to use style to better themselves (and their companies). above all, it will be about how i’ve used a personal style revolution to change my life and the course of my small, but rapidly growing, business.

for the record (and getting right down to business)…kelly picked out the outfit in these pictures. it was for my launch party a few months ago. what is so great about this outfit was that i felt awesome; i would have never thought to go with pants and a shirt instead of a dress…AND, i wore the shirt and the pants alllll summer long. actually, i wore the shirt yesterday and i still love it!

here’s to garter girl style! leave a comment, let me know what you think!

  1. September 25, 2009 9:04 am

    I can think of no better person to take on this topic! I am so excited to hear what you guys have to say, this is a GREAT idea.

    Oh and also I also loooove that shirt 🙂

  2. Melissa permalink
    September 25, 2009 11:09 am

    Again, I don’t really read blogs except for yours. And as always, I truly enjoy your posts and am so excited for you! I wish I had a personal stylist so this will be lessons for me too! Can’t wait to read more.
    My wedding is just a few weeks away and I so can’t wait to show off your amazing talent.
    Thanks again for everything and I look forward to reading more.

  3. September 25, 2009 10:34 pm

    just getting ready to say, “send me her info. i need her!” and here you are willing to help out your readers/clients!
    thanks, julianne! can’t wait to see more on fridays!

  4. linda lignelli permalink
    September 26, 2009 3:37 pm

    sounds like a fabulous mix of style and talent


  1. garter girl style: how to edit your closet (part 1) « julianne smith's garter girl blog
  2. free knitting pattern…burberry inspired cowl neck scarf « julianne smith's garter girl blog

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